Zorka Men Spring/Summer Vacation

Now, what better way is there to get clothing you’re sure to love than by making it yourself? Did you know that there are clubs you can join that will not only teach you how to make some spiffy duds, but will also allow you to make some friends at the same time? Stitch ‘n Bitch – This is an awesome group of knitters that has chapters all around the country and world! Meet up, learn new stitches, make cool things—and new friends. Dressmakers Clubs – There’s no specific website for this type of club, but you can do a quick search and see if there is one in your city. Get together with a group of experienced seamstresses to learn to make different styles of dress with different fabrics. Soon you’ll be creating outfits you can wear with flair. Jewelry Making Clubs – Let’s not forget that no outfit is complete without accessories! Why pay a high price when you can create your own original pieces? Check out what jewelry clubs there are in your area.

White Vintage Back Pack For Girl

Swap clothes with your friends. Crazy thought, right? But really. Think about it. Sometimes you’re sick of wearing something while your best friend has been secretly eyeing that top for years, waiting for you to be done with it. Try it out. Gather a group of friends, a couple of bottles of wine, and start turning trash into treasure. But it doesn’t stop there. Get this! These swaps don’t have to just be with your friends. If you’re totally over not only your own closet, but also the closets of everyone else that you know, you can find local clothing swaps in your area. The ground rules are simple: Everyone brings a bag or two (or ten!) of stuff they no longer want, you go through and take whatever you like, and any leftovers at the end get donated to charity. I happen to be extremely intrigued by this one offered right here in San Francisco that promises to pamper you first and let you swap second.

How to Dress Like a Fashionista

The click of my Louboutins against the New York City pavement is lost on the ears of passersby as the horn of the taxi I’m about to hail is slammed by the driver. I share a secret smile with myself and raise my hand to call him over, letting my Tory Burch bangles fall toward my elbow and my oversized Juicy ring glint in the dirty sunlight of the city. The cab pulls over and I step precariously over a puddle before smoothing my Michael Kors camel skirt and sliding onto the seat. “Where to?” he asks me in a gruff accented voice. I nonchalantly mumble the address while clicking open my email on my phone. My editor has updated my deadline and I’m late. Ahhh, the life of a writer in New York City… Wait! A writer in New York City? Okay, sorry Sarah Jessica Parker (AKA Carrie Bradshaw), but there’s no way a writer (especially a young one) can afford to look like she just stepped off the runway. UNLESS there’s some secret fabulous-but-budget-friendly trick no one is telling us about. Actually, there is! We’ve taken some time figuring out ways to look like you have a lot of cash to throw down for your clothes (even when you’re really on that instant ramen diet). Here’s how to dress like a fashionista on a recent graduate budget.

Do The Catwalk Everyday

Are there enough silver dresses in the world? Like, really really not. I’ve always thought that. Silver didn’t make sense to do the first run of the Zillah dresses but now that we’ve had such a great response to them, it felt right to actually realize this dream. This dress is three layers worth of fairiness, two in white silk to skim the body and one in silver lurex to channel most PM shots of ’90s Kate Moss. Such a fun piece to shoot in Paris against all the dramatic architecture. The dress will be available this month on the site, stay caught up with release info on the ARE YOU AM I IG page

Meet A Fashion Icon: Lana Winters

Totally in love with our newest top at ARE YOU AM I – the Delphine crop. This is the culmination of almost a year’s worth of fittings and iterations – it was one of the first pieces that I envisioned creating when I began working on the line but it really had to be perfect to work. In between a pullover and a blouse and a sort of smock, it’s somehow the coolest thing to throw on over a dress or to pair with denim and leather. The fit is oversized and effortless, and it’s sewn with just two pieces of silk linen stacked onto each other, rendering the fit clean and the look minimal. The texture play when worn with the Zillah is my new favorite thing.