Girnar Instant Tea Premix Express


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10 Single Serve Satchets


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SKU: KC7711569


Flooded with the variety? Stick to the classics.

Express chai is the perfect recipe for a steaming cup of Desi Chai. No additional spices, just strong chai. For those who don’t like the wait while your favourite tea brews, this chai is ready at express speed!

~ 4 am or 4 pm, In the valley or amidst the clouds, Sailing or Flying, Homely cuddles or solo travel: ghar-jaisi chai can now be made just by adding hot water to this premix! No wonder, coming back home is not necessary to feel at home. ~

Additional information

Weight 190 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5.2 × 15 cm
10 – 36 Satchets

10 Single Serve Satchets